Our paperwork for the adoption is moving along. I have all the documents for the homestudy except for Derek's doctor's letter, and his appt is the first week in December, so by the 9th we should have that part done. Our fingerprinting appointment is on 12-9. I have a good many of the dossier documents already. I have my doctor's form, our birth and marriage certificates, our police clearance letters, our employment letters, our financial statement, and our petition to adopt letter. So, all I am waiting on is Derek's doctor's form, the completed homestudy, and then the immigration 171H! Here's to hoping that we can finish up our docs and be in the certifying process in January. I just have no idea how long the USCIS stuff takes in SC!
This weekend I bought our daughter her first pair of shoes! I got her a pair of pink Robeez with flowers on them. Here is a pic:

How cute are these? You know I can't resist shoes! Since these are sized 6-12 months, I felt comfortable in going ahead and buying them. Now, if only I could find some baby Nikes in the same size range! I showed them to Derek and he didn't seem as interested. Men just don't understand about shoes!
We are still working on the name thing. Lauren and Alison are still at the top of the list. I told Derek that if we name her Lauren we can call her Ralph as a nickname! LOL, I wouldn't really do that, but it is funny!
Thanksgiving is this week. I intend to do a post about all that I am thankful for. As hard as 2005 has been for us, I still have plenty of thanks to give to God for all our blessings. As hard as our troubles are, it is nothing like what the pilgrims had, or even what some people face everyday.
On that note, I will sign off for now!
Wow... tough times but sounds like you are doing pretty well.
Love the shoes!! How fun is it to shop for this new baby??
Hope you enjoy your holiday weekend!
Lisa :)
Hi Suzanne,
Saw the link to your blog on APC. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of Katie! Losing a pet is so hard! I have a 5 year old Westie and I dread the day I lose him. It sounds like your paperchase is going well, hope the rest goes smoothly!
As to your future daughter's name, I vote for Alison. We are naming our daughter Allison (2 L's). :-)
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