Saturday, August 08, 2009

Trying out the new Flip Camera...


A New Beginning said...

I sure hope you took that sweet dog out for a nice long walk after all that torture.

Kayce said...
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Kayce said...

Hi Suzanne! What a wonderful treat to find you along the way to China!! A fellow Marcher AND a fellow Springer lover! Your Maggie Mae is just adorable. I saw that you rescued your Maggie from ESRA...we rescued our Summit from them as well. They were GREAT! I love how your pup has her tail still. Someone was just asking about the tails on our last camping trip. Too funny!

How are you doing with the wait?? It's almost done an then the fun begins! YEAH!! I will be anxious to follow your journey to your Little Tiger. I'm so glad you stopped by and said hi! Talk to you soon!

Jay and Kelly said...

Can't wait for the rumors to get started about the dates. Fingers and toes crossed that we'll be part of the rumor this month!!

Terri said...

Hi Suzanne - I am glad you posted the video clip, not only is your dog adorable, but i was thinking of picking up that same video camera. It sounds perfect for the trip!
LID 3/7/06

Jay and Kelly said...

Just read you comment. Very good point about the trade show. Good for us!!

Karen and Jon said...

Hi Suzanne!! Thanks so much for all of you good wishes while we were in China. Great to hear from you and I am watching those cutoff dates waiting for your good news!!